Pižorn [21612]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. BOH, Eva, PIŽORN, Karmen, VOGRINC, Janez. The effectiveness of the Storyline
approach in teaching English as a first foreign language in secondary vocational school. Sodobna pedagogika. okt. 2024, letn. 75, št. 3, str. 134-153. ISSN 0038-0474. https://www.sodobna-pedagogika.net/clanki/03-2024_ucinkovitost-poucevanja-anglescine-kot-prvega-tujega-jezika-v-srednji-strokovni-soli-s-pristopom-storyline/.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213777923]
Potočnik [38773]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. POTOČNIK, Robert, ZAVŠEK, Klementina, VIDRIH, Alenka. Visual art activities
as a means of realizing aspects of empowerment for blind and
visually impaired young people. European
journal of educational research. 2025, vol. 14, issue
1, str. 41-54, tabele. ISSN 2165-8714. https://pdf.eu-jer.com/EU-JER_14_1_41.pdf,
Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.12973/eu-jer.14.1.41.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213108227]
Repovš [07083]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. CHEMS EDDINE, Nabil, REPOVŠ, Dušan. Embeddings
of anisotropic Sobolev spaces into spaces of
anisotropic Hölder-continuous
functions. Demonstratio
Mathematica. Jan. 2024, vol. 57, iss. 1, [article no.] 20240079,
10 str. ISSN 2391-4661. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/dema-2024-0079/html,
Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DiRROS
- Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij
Slovenije, DOI: 10.1515/dema-2024-0079.
[COBISS.SI-ID 215673859]
Ribič [57925]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. RIBIČ, Luka, DEVETAK, Iztok, VOŠNJAK, Matej. Students’ understanding of lithosphere and pedosphere concepts at the end of lower
secondary school in Slovenia. International
research in geographical and environmental education. 2024, vol. 33, issue
, 18 str. (pdf), ilustr.,
tabele, graf. prikazi. ISSN 1747-7611. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10382046.2024.2426396,
DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2024.2426396.
[COBISS.SI-ID 214855427]
projekt: P5-0451; financer: ARIS
projekt: J5-4573; financer: ARIS
Sande [19289]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. VERDENIK, Marko, ROLANDO, Sara, SANDE, Matej. ‘I will not use it because the results
are bad’ – understanding the influence of the drug checking service on changing consumption behavior. Drugs : education, prevention & policy.
2024, vol. 31, issue , 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka pdf (8 str.)), tabele. ISSN 1465-3370. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687637.2024.2412995,
DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2024.2412995.
[COBISS.SI-ID 212690179]
projekt: This research was supported by
the Ministry of Health of
the Republic of Slovenia under
Grant C2711-17-031034 (European Social Fund)
Susman [28552]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. SUSMAN, Katarina, VOŠNJAK, Matej, PAVLIN, Jerneja. Evaluating the development of pre-service primary school teachers’ competences in the context of a student-centred
science visits course. Education sciences.
2024, vol. 14, issue 11 (1219), 1 spletni vir (1
datoteka pdf (17 str.)), tabele. ISSN 2227-7102. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/14/11/1219,
Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.3390/educsci14111219.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213931011]
projekt: P5-0451; financer: ARIS
Vidrih [38902]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. POTOČNIK, Robert, ZAVŠEK, Klementina, VIDRIH, Alenka. Visual art activities
as a means of realizing aspects of empowerment for blind and
visually impaired young people. European
journal of educational research. 2025, vol. 14, issue
1, str. 41-54, tabele. ISSN 2165-8714. https://pdf.eu-jer.com/EU-JER_14_1_41.pdf,
Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.12973/eu-jer.14.1.41.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213108227]
Vogrinc [23750]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
1. BOH, Eva, PIŽORN, Karmen, VOGRINC, Janez. The effectiveness of the Storyline
approach in teaching English as a first foreign language in secondary vocational school. Sodobna pedagogika. okt. 2024, letn. 75, št. 3, str. 134-153. ISSN 0038-0474. https://www.sodobna-pedagogika.net/clanki/03-2024_ucinkovitost-poucevanja-anglescine-kot-prvega-tujega-jezika-v-srednji-strokovni-soli-s-pristopom-storyline/.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213777923]
Vošnjak [50597]
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Katarina, VOŠNJAK, Matej, PAVLIN, Jerneja. Evaluating
the development of pre-service primary school teachers’ competences in the context of
a student-centred science visits
course. Education
sciences. 2024, vol. 14, issue
11 (1219), 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka pdf (17 str.)),
tabele. ISSN 2227-7102. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/14/11/1219,
Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani –
RUL, DOI: 10.3390/educsci14111219.
[COBISS.SI-ID 213931011]
projekt: P5-0451; financer: ARIS
Luka, DEVETAK, Iztok, VOŠNJAK, Matej. Students’ understanding of lithosphere and pedosphere concepts at the end of
lower secondary school in Slovenia. International research
in geographical and environmental education. 2024,
vol. 33, issue , 18 str. (pdf),
ilustr., tabele, graf. prikazi. ISSN 1747-7611. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10382046.2024.2426396,
DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2024.2426396.
[COBISS.SI-ID 214855427]
projekt: P5-0451; financer: ARIS
projekt: J5-4573; financer: ARIS